Contact us
To report an exploitative employer or set up a local BetterThanZero group email us on or fill in the form below:
By providing us with your email address or telephone number you are consenting to our secure storage and use of it, to contact you for further information, to share information regarding BetterThanZero campaigns we think you may be interested in, and/or to forward details of trade unions you may be interested in joining. We will not share your data with any third parties.
Nothing on our site or provided in any response to an individual enquiry constitutes legal advice or is indented your give rise to a legal relationship between BetterThanZero/STUC and any individual. Specialist legal or other advice should always be sought and taken in relation to your specific circumstances. The contents of our site and correspondence with individuals are intended for general information purposes only and you should not rely on them as definitive in relation to your situation.